Trip to town

So! going to town generally means a 45 min drive there and back. I knew my MIL had things to do and I would be sitting in the car waiting so took my current project with me. I work in a very small space in my bedroom, a 5x5ft space. I built a shelf/counter/table for my sewing machine and since I got a new one with a big area in the sewing area I have to keep my pin cushion behind the sewing machine which can be very irritating putting pins through opening of sewing machine. I decided to make a wrist pin cushion.
Here is a pic of sewing machine and general idea of area.

So project in hand (with the idea it will be a square pin cushion and this is the outer sides of the pin cushion) I began my project. It will strongly stray from the drawn design, sketched with a quilters wash out marker.


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