oh oh smoke alarm! and babies LOL

LOl so I sent a prototype to my best friend in Florida and she is in love with it, and she is picky bout things! she is a serious scrapbooker!!! And she has a serious sense of smell! WOODSTOVE!!! no!!!! I find the smell pleasant but well I live at 8,000 ft elevation and while our winter is mild thus far we get about 12 degrees at night so well a woodstove is what we have! My art  room (aka also bedroom) is at opposite end of house but well I go put wood in fire, come back here and sew! I started working with candles in here, along with air purifiers (before she got her prototype) so I can only hope this is not a problem! UGH. Honestly I should be over my Catholic raising and the guilt that comes with it but alas I am not! I want all customers happy and don't want to be in trouble! LOL That is me! I do aim to please!!! After all people spend hard earned money and I exchange for hard earned time!

Meanwhile! I have received some wonderful ideas and feedback from embroiders that lead me to begin to envision other products and am excited! I am also more realistic in my visions for this product ever working as a storage solution as I have seen so many embroiders/cross stitchers who use so many threads! So my product will, for the most part, will surely remain a smaller project. I will ultimately offer larger ones, like the 40 pocket one I made for myself. I am just hesitant to make products that cost too much money! Personally if I cannot make something, or it is not inexpensive, I live without it! I also know that not all people are like me! LOL thankfully! MOST thankfully!

OH and as for my inspirational embroidery project? I am now kind of leaning towards a whimsical or retro picture of the state of Washington. I may have to draw one. I hope to one day, in the next few years, move there so I can live near my grandbabies. I have wanted to be a grandma since I was a kid; always fascinated with old pictures and genealogy. So, here is a beautiful pic of my first grandson and my new one! My heart explodes!!!!! (yours may too with this pic!)

OH and update on that Raggedy Andy I sent? My daughter told me that he immediately was patting Andy on the back saying "night night" awwwwwwww (he was obsessed with a little dark skinned baby doll he has while I was there, before his brother arrived, taking that doll to bed and loving on it!...yep he is adorable!!! LOL)


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